Hamza Nasir Talks About the Magic of LiveAdmins

Hamza is the Director of Global Strategic Partnerships at LiveAdmins, a chat company that specializes in all things chat solutions headquartered in Chicago. Conversational tools and instant messaging has developed over the years from MSN all the way to the tools that LiveAdmins provides. For companies that have multiple messages from clients or customers each day, it can be tough to manage and answer them all quickly and with the right answers. They are able to outsource, test, and train chatroom workers that will manage your Facebook, website, text messages, or any medium where messages come through and respond to inquiries in a fast fashion 24/7. 

You heard it here first, they're not all robots! Being able to manage these messages and inquiries with real-time responses from real people means fine-tuned answers specific to customer questions and no hassle of automation on the other end. Automation still works for some instances, Hamsa says, but only for a large quantity of the same answer where it does not need to be personalized. 

LiveAdmins looks for a balance of value and volume when it comes to pricing. Customers of LiveAdmins know that they're getting a cost-effective service that would be cheaper than if they were to do it themselves. Their pricing model ranges broadly depending on the size of the company and the number of messages they are receiving and you're able to monitor these chat rooms and responses, so it's completely tailored to your needs and you have full control. The evidence behind these chat boosts is more business and more sign-ups, so what could go wrong? People love to chat anonymously rather than pick up the phone to inquire through a call.
If you’re looking to try out LiveAdmins, you can go to https://www.liveadmins.com/ and speak to one of their reps. Mention you were referred by Jelly Marketing, and you can try it out for free for a month with no contract. 

Written by Juliana Bermudez


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