Ryan Gill & His Success with The Gathering and Communo

Ryan is a man of many hats. He is currently the CEO of Communo, Chairman of The Gathering Conference, and a Co-Founder of the Cult Collective. Ryan says he started out as an entrepreneur and always worked in creative ways to market himself and products, even though he struggled in school as a kid. After moving out west from Ontario at 19, Ryan worked through different marketing agencies before starting The Cult working with some of the biggest brands in the world. Working to spread the knowledge of marketing around the world, Ryan Co-founded the Gathering which is a “Forbes top-rated business summit and master class for brand leaders looking to reap the benefits of a cult-like adoration.” Supporting the brands that have this cult-like community, such as Harley Davidson, Coke or Spotify, they share how this culture benefits sales and marketing without having major sale pitches. 

Lately, Ryan has been working on Communo, his latest startup that was built with the Cult in mind. A private marketing platform for agencies and freelancers to showcase talents and ideas and have all of your contacts in one place at the push of a button. In a world of contract work, it’s important to have these contacts on file (outsourcing) and only have a number of employees full time. With the Communo platform, the workers online have a reputation with companies and can showcase exactly what their strengths are. Ryan says because they built the platform for themselves, it has been a success. 

Written by Juliana Bermudez


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