Girls Who Code Is Creating A Different Kind of Conference
The organization exists to increase the number of women in STEM careers and the access to education that will make it possible, so this year they're partnering with Apple to create a week-long series of virtual events that will all be free, open, and inclusive.
Beyond the sessions, Girls Who Code is running a campaign called #SisterhoodStory that invites "girls, both trans and cis, to shine a spotlight on one another, and the role of Sisterhood in their lives".
This event is doing several things worth noting and learning from:
The events are short, interactive, and varied. Attendees can pick and choose what's most relevant for them and, in that way, it breaks the typical conference model.
The sessions are part of a larger message. Every attendee is working to tell their #SisterhoodStory, which inherently makes the sessions collaborative and applicable.
They've found a partner with complementary expertise. In a world where everyone is working to create high-quality experiences and engage with audiences, there are collaboration opportunities everywhere.
Written by Conner Galway, Junction Consulting