Bernadette Butler Explains Why Every Business Should Be Utilizing StoryTap

Bernadette is the Founder at CEO and Co-Founder of StoryTap. She has been a marketer since the beginning, working in B to B and moving on to storytelling and video, when she came up with StoryTap as an easy way for everyone to tell their story on video, by “tapping” into their home and experiences. 

StoryTap works because they’ve spent a lot of time watching and learning from older and younger people and understanding the barrier of filming software and filming yourself giving and authentic review when you're not used to doing it. StoryTap starts its process by searching for good reviews from businesses and offer incentives to these good reviewers to create a testimonial. All they ask for are customer’s opinions that tell specific stories that are authentic to their experience and are positive to the brand they are speaking to. “It’s a beautiful kind of flow of the customer journey that ends up collecting a fantastic video,” Bernadette mentions that a lot of reviewers end up having a lot of fun. They make sure these videos are quality and authentic by offering teleprompted sort of scripts and pulling out emotion through questions that create great responses. “If you don't ask, you don't get, and we get.” 

Once they collect the assets from the reviewers, they do two things. One, they encourage the reviewer to share the video with their friends. Two, they include a call to action for their friends to receive a discount on the company's products, driving more sales, and indexing these shared videos onto Google. Bernadette doesn't see these sharers as influencers but as advocates. She feels that influencers are a fake way to promote, and having these average everyday people who are just sharing their personal experiences has more weight behind their words. 

How does a brand figure out who their true reviewers are? StoryTap automates it. The minute someone orders something online, StoryTap is tracking for the right moment from when someone receives the product and has had time to play with it before asking them for their authentic review. This is tailored for different industries like getting stories from foundation donors right after they donate, for example. 

If you’re interested in utilising StoryTap, have a look at their website.

Written by Juliana Bermudez


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