Mike Marks, Head of Marketing at Adobe

Mike is the head of marketing of Adobe Canada. Mark uses LinkedIn to connect with a very targeted group of individuals, as a result, he has built a community of 16,000 Canadian based digital marketing professionals around his personal LinkedIn profile.

He likes to manage his LinkedIn profile and groups himself because the platform is about thought leadership and valuable content to help people build their business.

A trend he sees coming in marketing is a more in-person connection at company events and conferences. At a recent event, Mark really wanted to connect to the attendants and he found out that they were car enthusiasts, so he hired a stunt driver from California to allow the event attendants to experience movie’s car tricks and they loved it. You have to make events that would WOW the attendants.

Adobe recently purchased Marketo and Magento, two important marketing platforms in the B2B and Ecommerce areas; 2019 has been the year to integrate those products and let the customers rip the benefits of all the suite of products.

Usually, when people think of Adobe, the main products that come to mind is Photoshop and PDF’s, what they don’t realize is that the main part of Adobe’s business is Digital Marketing Software. If a marketer wants to target a group, run a campaign to them and drive them to online assets, measure the results and follow up on leads they have a whole integrated suite of software that can do that: The Experience Cloud.

A piece of advice he’ll give to a young marketer starting out is to start off in sales because marketing is about supporting and serving the sales personnel and you can’t really do that unless you walked in their shoes for a couple of months.

Written By Claudia Palomino


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