The Creativity Method of Ron Tite & Church+State

Ron is the Founder of Church+State. Looking for new ways to use marketing and redefine the system, Ron decided to blur the lines between advertising and content creation. Church+State is an agency that works with brands to do just that while working on production, brand strategies, brand tactics, and advertising as well as creating content and getting brand awareness. Ron is a big fan of blurring the lines and not being caught up in the definitions of their work. Church+State has used different strategies to create relationships between different advertising solutions, using a radio show to promote a book, and using a book to promote a radio show for example. “Creativity becomes predictability,” you have to optimize your creative ideas to create a predictable outcome and perfecting your next original and creative thoughts. 

Ron jokes that weed (Marijuana) is the key to creativity, but in all seriousness the biggest barrier to creativity is people assuming they don't have the creative ability at all. People need to realize that ideas will not come to you within 3 seconds with a magic formula, it takes commitment and focus. Ron thinks we need to look beyond the problems we're trying to solve and look outside of your office and into the real world that offers new perspectives. Pushing yourself out of your boundaries allows you to come up with new ideas. 

Be sure to structure your time, for optimal results. If you have a busy life balancing many different aspects, then it is important to know when its time to work and turn on the creativity and know when to have “you time”. The structure is difficult in a busy life but it's vital to success and balance. 

Ron recommends these tools for marketing and personal inspiration:

  • Looking at the challenges of others and learning things outside of marketing

  • Ron enjoys the podcasts “The Gravy Train” and “Three Clips”

Written by Juliana Bermudez


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