Jeff Adamson (SkipTheDishes and Neo Financial)

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On this episode of Marketing News Canada, Darian Kovacs interviews Jeff Adamson. Jeff is the Co-Founder of SkipTheDishes and Neo Financial. 

SkipTheDishes was a business that began with Jeff and a dream of building a successful Canadian startup. Starting in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, SkipTheDishes is now one of the most successful and recognized consumer brands in Canada. Also the Co-Founder and Chief Merchant Officer at Neo Financial, Jeff is a well rounded entrepreneur and business expert. 

Jeff grew up in a small town wrestling from a young age. He reached a professional level that allowed him to wrestle globally and see many parts of the world. He attributes a lot of his success today to his wrestling career because it taught him drive and determination. In the interview he compared business to the sport, as in wrestling it is all about who is going to give up first, and Jeff said he would never let it be himself. 

After coming back from the Olympics in 2012, Jeff knew he needed to find a way to support himself financially. He considered going back to school, but when he noticed a need in Canada’s market for on demand services, he jumped on the opportunity. When coming up with the idea of SkipTheDishes, Jeff stated that he “wanted a company that was designed by Canadians for Candians.” 

The idea of Neo Financial is to remove the friction and stress associated with banking. Customers easily receive cash back on all their credit purchases that can be redeemed or put towards their monthly credit statement. Since Neo is fairly new, Jeff encourages Canadians to sign up now as they will be able to see the real time innovation and updates that are being implemented. 

As someone who knows what is like to struggle to pay bills, Jeff strives to make the lives of Candians easier and more convenient. Jeff stated that there is nothing more frustrating than credit cards that give useless rewards or rewards that can only be redeemed at certain times. Giving customers cash back incentives at their favorite local businesses are benefiting the consumer and the business. 

To apply for a Neo credit card is more simple compared to other banking institutions. During the interview Darian was able to simply download the application, and submit a photo of his drivers license which eliminated the need to have an in person identity check. After the identity is verified, access is granted for the use of the credit card online, and shortly after a physical copy of the credit card is mailed to the user. 

With knowledge with business in all areas from food to finance, Jeff is a multi diverse marketer. With a background in wrestling, determination and drive are just a few of the qualities that he provides to the Canadian business community. Jeff is a dedicated Co-founder that is a valuable asset to the team at Neo

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