This Article Was Not (Entirely) Written by a Robot


If you've spent much time on Twitter or TikTok this week, you've likely become familiar with people asking a chatbot to answer all sorts of prompts, ranging from write my college essay for me to the Internet's favourite question: Who would win in a fight, one horse-sized duck, or a hundred duck-sized horses? The tool is called ChatGPT and it's the latest release from the project that's aimed at making artificial intelligence more useful and accessible.

Until now, AI has seemed, for most of us, to have a ways to go before having any sort of real impact on our work. Sure, it's impressive, but it was never really clear how all of that tech could be legitimately useful. Now, the possibilities seem endless.

Already, people are using ChatGPT to generate pretty decent copy, write fairly solid code, and even generate a series of Tweets on a specific topic, in a specific style. For many of us, this raises the question: Are the robots coming for my job?

We put that question to the test by giving it the task of writing this week's edition of The Brief. Here's what it came back with (the Green C at the top is where I entered the prompt):

The good news is that it seems like we still have a job when it comes to newsletter writing, but there are several ways that marketers have already started using AI-based chat to enhance their work. So to prove that point in the most meta way possible, we asked ChatGPT for some examples. Here's what we got back:

Written by Conner Galway, Junction Consulting


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