The CMA Launches BC Marketing Forum

Darian Kovacs interviewed Trevor Carr to discuss the Canadian Marketing Association’s launch of their BC Marketing Form,  and what it means for marketers in the region. Below is a summary of the interview. 

Trevor is the Founder and CEO of Noise Digital. Trevor has diverse and extensive experience in marketing. From beginning his career in Los Angeles at a boutique advertising agency, to setting up his own digital marketing agency in Vancouver, he has done it all. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Trevor offers complex digital guidance to clients in the digital marketing landscape.  

Trevor is keen to have western marketers supported from a more national perspective. “it is fabulous to have opportunities to discuss key issues and emerging trends with other senior leaders and grow my network with like-minded marketing professionals,” he said. As a Canadian Marketing Association Member he was contacted by the CMA’s Member Engagement Team to consider heading a BC thought leadership group that would share regional insights and connect in a more meaningful way to the marketing industry on a national scale. Trevor wants marketers in the local community to be exposed to the national dialogue. First off, this means having a goal, that goal being to be less regional. The effort has been made to bring people onto the BC Marketing Forum that are strong national and international marketers.

The CMA’s BC Marketing Forum is the first regional marketing forum that they are launching across the country. The regional marketing forums are being created to support CMA members by giving them a stronger regional voice through the CMA, enabling them to amplify local marketing best practices, programs and thought leadership. The CMA’s regional marketing forums also help build awareness of the CMA’s initiatives and tools designed to embolden marketers to make a powerful impact on business in Canada, including the Chartered Marketer (CM) designation program, the Canadian Marketing Code of Conduct, the CMA’s award-winning blog, and a series of compliance and best practices guides. 

Tell me your thoughts on why things should be done by Canadians for Canadians?

A way the CMA differs from competitors is the fact that they are authentically Canadian. Many marketing associations in Canada are started by Americans and run by Americans. Trevor believes that it is important to have Canadian associations because the two countries are so different. With Canada being much smaller in regards to population size, it changes the marketing approaches and techniques that should be used. 

Current ways Canadian marketing differs from American marketing is data and how it is used. Canada has a much more strict privacy policy to protect internet users information and how that information is used. Canada and America have very different cultures. An example of how marketing differs between countries is Target. Target is very popular in America, however, when they attempted to move into the Canadian market, it failed tremendously.

BC is home to some incredible Indigenous businesses, how are they involved currently with the CMA?

APTN is a long-time member of the CMA. When it comes to Indigenous involvement in the CMA, Trevor states that they plan to expand their clientele as Canada has such a strong Indigenous culture, and given the CMA’s strong commitment to improve diversity and inclusion. He believes that the CMA has the opportunity to embrace Indigenous culture in such a beautiful way. He states that these companies will fit under the unique cultural landscape. He finds it interesting and notable that the Indigenous community changes how we do business here in Canada. 

The CMA is growing rapidly in size and popularity. Canada is a diverse and multicultural country that needs a marketing association that changes with its population, and that is exactly what the CMA is doing. With its current plan to present perspectives from BC and BC-based organizations,  becoming a Canadian Marketing Association Member is becoming more desirable than ever.

Darian Kovacs is the president and founder of Jelly Marketing. With more than 15 years of experience, Darian is an active member of the local business community, as well as a board member of various foundations and charitable organizations. Through his award-winning company, Jelly Marketing, Darian has worked with various local, national, and global brands building and executing their digital & PR strategy.


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