Let's Get Automated: Setting up Drip Campaigns and Autoresponders

Written By: Geoffery Blanc, General Manager at Cyberimpact

Implementing an email automation system has become a go-to for businesses looking to engage customers without constant manual work. Drip campaigns and autoresponders are two simple ways to make this happen, allowing you to stay connected while saving time!

Why Use Automation?

Email automation helps you send pre-scheduled emails based on specific customer actions, like newsletter sign-ups, an appointment/subscription reminder, happy birthday messages, or thank you messages when someone registers for an event. Drip campaigns deliver these emails over time, while autoresponders handle immediate messages, like welcome emails or thank-yous. It’s about sending the right message to the right person at the right time. 

These tools improve customer experience and free up time for your team! As highlighted in Cyberimpact’s automation guide, it’s a simple way to stay in touch without the manual effort, boosting productivity and engagement. 

How to Start a Drip Campaign

Drip campaigns look after leads by sending relevant messages at the right moments. Begin by segmenting your audience based on their interests or where they are in their journey with your brand. Are they visiting your website for the first time, or are they a repeat customer? What content would be most helpful for them at this stage? For new visitors, consider sending a welcome email or an introductory offer. For loyal customers, you might provide exclusive deals or early access to new products. Educational content, like a blog post or a how-to guide, can also help keep them engaged, depending on their interests. Then, decide how often to send emails - spread them out over days or weeks to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

Timing is everything. With a thoughtful drip campaign, you can slowly build trust and move leads closer to becoming customers. For more on setting up and pacing your campaigns, check out this blog post on concrete examples of marketing automation.

Setting Up Autoresponders

Autoresponders are essentially your “set it and forget it” emails. These are perfect for instant, automated messages triggered by specific actions your audience takes. 

One of the most common and effective uses of autoresponders is the welcome series. When a new subscriber joins your list, an automated welcome email can be sent instantly to introduce your brand and set the tone for future interactions. This is your chance to make a great first impression. A good welcome email can also include helpful links, such as to a blog post or FAQ section, that keep new subscribers engaged right away.

After the welcome series, consider setting up post-purchase follow-ups. These emails serve as a thank you and often provide useful information like product tips or recommendations for future purchases. It’s also a great opportunity to ask for feedback or reviews, which can boost credibility and foster loyalty.

Another useful autoresponder is the expiring appointment or subscription reminder. If a customer’s appointment or subscription is coming to an end, an automated email can encourage them to renew. You can even offer a small incentive, like a discount or bonus service, to nudge them toward taking action. These reminders help keep customers engaged and can lead to higher renewal rates and long-term loyalty.

Getting started with autoresponders is simple: create a few essential templates and let automation do the rest! 

Best Practices for Automation

Automation is powerful, but it works best when it’s done thoughtfully. To make the most of your drip campaigns and autoresponders, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Stay Relevant: Keep your messages aligned with your audience’s interests. The more personalized, the better.

  • Don’t Overwhelm: Space out your emails. Too many too quickly can lead to unsubscribes.

  • Track and Adjust: Keep an eye on performance metrics like open and click-through rates. Adjust your strategy as needed to optimize results.

Read more about best practices for marketing automation here to effectively fine-tune your strategy.


Through drip campaigns and autoresponders, email automation is a game-changer for businesses, and tools like Cyberimpact make it easy to implement. With its intuitive platform, you can set up personalized campaigns that help you stay connected with customers, build relationships, and save time–all without constant manual work. By setting up thoughtful, well-timed campaigns, you can keep your audience engaged and move them along their customer journey.

Be sure to take the time to segment your audience, create relevant content, and space your emails appropriately. And remember, automation is about working smarter, not harder - let it handle the routine while you focus on growing your business.

Ready to get started? Dive into the world of automation and see how it can transform your email marketing strategy!

About the Author

Geoffery Blanc is the General Manager at Cyberimpact, a Canadian email marketing solution designed to make your life easier. He has been in the IT sector for 15 years, navigating many different avenues, including business management, finance, human resources, business, and product development. Geoffrey’s passion for digital transformation allows him to help companies develop this aspect and equip themselves with tools and methodologies to support their growth.


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