Every Marketing Club and Association on Universities and College campus’ in Canada

Even if graduation feels far off, the pressure to prepare for a successful career can still weigh heavily on students - especially in a competitive field like marketing, where it’s easy to feel out of your depth. The competitive nature of job hunting and the fast-changing world of marketing can leave many unsure of how to stand out. Luckily, most Universities and Colleges across  Canada have marketing clubs and associations right on campus. These organizations are game changers and powerful tools that help students get ahead of the game, setting them up for success even before graduation.

Marketing clubs and associations bring together a community of future marketing and dedicated professionals who work, teach and study in the field. By joining, students can gain the latest marketing resources, best practices and perspectives while networking with other students and marketing professionals. They’ll also be given an opportunity to learn, practice and apply marketing principles in real-world scenarios and be offered career preparation in terms of resume building and interview preparation.

Here at Marketing News Canada, we’ve put together a list of 48 marketing clubs associated with University or Colleges across Canada.

1. University Canada West Marketing Association

Province:  BC

Contact: ucwma@myucwest.ca

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ucwma-marketing-association-a36030210/

2. UBC Marketing Association

Province:  BC

Contact: hello@ubcma.ca 

Website: https://ubcma.ca 

3. SFU Marketing Association

Province:  BC

Contact: sma_president@sfu.ca 

Website: https://sfusma.ca 

4. SFU Communication Student Union

Province:  BC

Contact: info@cmnsu.com 

Website: https://cmnsu.com 

5. KPU Marketing Association

Province:  BC

Contact: info@thekpuma.com

Website: https://www.thekpuma.com/

6. UFV Business Administration Student Association

Province:  BC

Contact: basa@ufv.ca 

Website: https://www.facebook.com/ufvbasa/

7. Douglas College Commerce & Business Association

Province:  BC

Contact: president@dc-ba.com

Website: https://www.douglascollege.ca/dsu-douglas-commerce-business-association/

8. CAPU Marketing Association

Province:  BC

Contact: Fill out contact form

Website: https://www.capuma.ca/

9. TWU Student Business Association

Province:  BC

Contact: https://www.capuma.ca/

Website: https://www.twusba.com/ 

10. BCIT Marketing Association 

Province:  BC

Contact: contact@bcitma.ca 

Website: https://bcitma.ca/ 

11. University of Alberta Marketing Association

Province:  AB

Contact: Fill out contact form

Website: https://uama.ca/ 

12. Mount Royal University Marketing Society

Province:  AB

Contact: Fill out contact form

Website: https://mrumarketingsociety.square.site/contact-us 

13. MacEwan University Marketing Club

Province:  AB

Contact: Fill out contact form

Website: https://www.macewanmarketingclub.com/

14. University of Saskatchewan Marketing Students’ Society

Province:  SK

Contact: mss@ussu.ca  

Website: https://www.edwardsbss.com/mss 

15. University of Regina Hill Marketing Association

Province:  SK

Contact: n/a

Website: https://www.instagram.com/hillmarketingassociation/

16. University of Manitoba Marketing Association

Province:  MB

Contact: umma.group@gmail.com 

Website: https://umsu.ca/student-clubs-associations/student-clubs/umma/ 

17. Asper Commerce Students’ Association

Province:  MB

Contact: info@aspercsa.com 

Website: https://www.aspercsa.com/ 

18. York Marketing Association 

Province:  ON

Contact: exec@yorkmarketing.ca 

Website: https://www.yorkmarketing.ca/ 

19. TMU Ted Rogers Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: rma@ryerson.ca

Website: https://www.trmamet.ca/

20. Western Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: engage.wma@gmail.com 

Website: https://www.wmaishere.ca/

21. Carleton Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: carletonmarketinga@gmail.com 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/cmacarleton/?hl=en 

22. UofT Rotman Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: rma@rotman.utoronto.ca 

Website: https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/rma/

23. UofT Rotman Commerce Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: rcma@utoronto.ca 

Website: https://www.rotmancommercemarketing.com/

24. Queen’s Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: info@theqma.ca 

Website: https://theqma.ca/ 

25. University of Waterloo Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: uwmaexec@gmail.com 

Website: https://uwmassociation.carrd.co/ 

26. DeGroote Marketing Association 

Province:  ON

Contact: dma@degrootecommerce.ca 

Website: https://www.degrootemarketing.ca/

27. McGill Marketing Network

Province:  QC

Contact: mmn@mus.mcgill.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/mcgillmarketingnetwork/

28. McGill Chapter American Marketing Association

Province:  QC

Contact: adrienne.rosenswig@mail.mcgill.ca 

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/desautels/channels/event/american-marketing-association-mcgill-chapter-10414

29. Concordia John Molson Marketing Association

Province:  QC

Contact: info@jmma.ca

Website: https://www.jmma.ca/

30. Memorial University of Newfoundland Marketing Association

Province:  NL

Contact: munma@munsu.ca 

Website: https://www.mun.ca/business/about-us/school-life/student-clubs-and-volunteer-opportunities/ 

31. Memorial University of Newfoundland Business Student Society

Province:  NL

Contact: n/a

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MunBAUSS/

32. Cape Breton University Business Society

Province:  NS

Contact: cbu21nzs@cbu.ca 

Website: https://www.cbusu.ca/cbu-business-society 

33. University of New Brunswick Business Administration Society

Province:  NB

Contact: baus@unb.ca 

Website: https://unbbaus.com/

34. UVIC Young Women In Business

Province:  BC

Contact: emily.bailey@ywib.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ywibuvic/

35. SFU Young Women in Business

Province:  BC

Contact: sfupres@ywib.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ywibsfu/ 

36. BCIT Young Women in Business

Province:  BC

Contact: ywibbcit@gmail.com 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ywibbcit/ 

37. UBC Young Women in Business

Province:  BC

Contact: hello.ubc@ywib.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ywibubc/

38. Calgary Young Women in Business

Province:  AB

Contact: calgary@ywib.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ywib_calgary/ 

39. TRU Women in Business

Province:  BC

Contact: truwibclub@gmail.com 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/truwibclub/ 

40. VIU Business Student Association

Province:  BC

Contact: bsa.club@viusu.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/viubsa/

41. UofC Women in Business

Province:  AB

Contact: wibucalgary@gmail.com 

Website: https://wibucalgary.wixsite.com/ucalgary

42. Brock Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: president@goodmanbma.com 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/thegoodmanbma/

43. Odette Marketing Association (Windsor)

Province:  ON

Contact: oma@uwindsor.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/odettemarketing/ 

44. Trent Marketing Association

Province:  ON

Contact: trentmarketing.president@gmail.com 

Website: https://trentmarketing.wixsite.com/trentmarketing

45. Rowe Marketing Association (Dalhousie)

Province:  NS

Contact: marketing@dal.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/dal_rma/

46. Sobey Commerce Society (St.Marys)

Province:  NS

Contact: ssbcs@smu.ca 

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ssbcommsoc/ 

47. STFX Women in Business

Province:  NS

Contact: x2018xmk@stfx.ca 

Website: https://www.schwartzwomeninbusiness.com/ 

48. UPEI Business Society 

Province:  PEI

Contact: upeibusinesssociety@gmail.com

Website: https://www.upei.ca/business/students/upei-business-society 

At the end of the day, in a field as dynamic and fast-paced as marketing, staying ahead of the curve is key to long-term success. By joining marketing clubs and associations at their universities or colleges, students gain a significant advantage that can shape their future careers. 

These organizations provide more than just networking opportunities—they offer practical experience, insight into industry trends, and access to mentorship from seasoned professionals. For students looking to stand out after graduation, getting involved in a marketing club is an investment in both personal and professional growth that pays off well beyond the classroom. 

Don’t wait until the last semester—start building your future today.

Are we missing  your club on the list? Let us know here and we’ll add you to the list.


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