Help Expose Systemic Barriers in Advertising and Marketing: Participate in POCAM’s Visible & Vocal Study

People of Colour in Advertising and Marketing (POCAM) is calling on BIPOC professionals to take part in Visible and Vocal, the only industry study created by BIPOC, for BIPOC.

Now in its fifth year, Visible & Vocal amplifies the voices and experiences of BIPOC professionals in advertising and marketing to expose long-standing discrimination and inequality. The survey was launched by POCAM in 2020 to provide a safe and empowering platform for BIPOC to control their own narratives and contribute to meaningful industry change.

Take Action

BIPOC professionals are invited to share their perspectives and experiences through the confidential survey. Visit to participate.

Industry allies are asked to share the link with their network, ensuring as many voices as possible are heard.

The survey is completely anonymous and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. All data is aggregated to protect the identity of respondents.

Why Participate?

POCAM’s goal is to use the survey findings to:

  • Expose barriers – BIPOC voices remain underrepresented in industry research. This unique study accurately captures the challenges of working in a majority-white industry.

  • Track progress – Collecting consistent data in one trusted source ensures companies cannot ignore systemic issues or rely on superficial diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

  • Drive industry accountability – The study provides clear evidence of the disparities in representation, career development, and workplace inclusion between BIPOC and non-BIPOC professionals, revealing whether industry commitments align with actions.

The findings from past Visible & Vocal surveys tell an impactful story. Last year, 78% of BIPOC professionals reported experiencing microaggressions, and 54% faced racial discrimination at work. However, only 41% of respondents said their companies had established DEI policies, and just 28% said their companies implemented unconscious bias training.


POCAM is committed to ensuring the voice, vision and talent of BIPOC professionals are fully and fairly present in Canadian advertising and marketing. Founded in 2020, POCAM is led by a volunteer Steering Committee of BIPOC leaders who devote their time, talent and thought to advocating for equity and inclusion across the industry. The current Steering Committee is composed of Ishma Alexander-Huet, Gavin Barrett, Natalie Bomberry, Erik dela Cruz, Joycelyn David, Deyra Jaye Fontaine, Julian Franklin, Aleena Mazhar, Chino Nnadi, Mark Rutledge, Ken Saint Eloy, Justin Senior, and Matthew Tsang.

For more information, visit


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