Our Take on the Business Wire x Muck Rack Partnership

Business news distribution service, Business Wire, has announced a new partnership with the public relations management platform, Muck Rack. This exciting announcement was delivered through a Business Wire press release announcement (no surprise there). The partnership is being described as two industry leaders teaming up to offer customers the future of news distribution, targeting, and relationship management. Together the two businesses promise to target content to the right audiences - at the right time.

For businesses that regularly use paid press release distribution services, such as Business Wire, this partnership is an exciting development. Not only does it make our lives as PR professionals a bit easier, but it represents the steps that companies are taking to keep their customers better connected. In my years of experience, I have used a variety of PR Management software including, Cision, Meltwater, and Muck Rack. These tools can provide you with that hard-to-find email or better yet, the times of day the journalist prefers to be pitched!

Muck Rack has always done a great job of providing a well-rounded overview of a journalist, including everything from recent stories to the best times to reach them. Combining this knowledge with the strategic and analytics team at Business Wire, we can create a pitch media in a smarter, more strategic way. Businesses that are B2B, tech, or industry-focused, will likely see the most value from this partnership.

I have used Cision as my PR platform of choice for several years and have been pitched the Meltwater platform several times! Now I am beginning to consider Muck Rack as a more robust alternative for myself and my team at Jelly Marketing. With so many tools and platforms available to marketing professionals, finding synchronized duos is often a time-saving appeal. It does leave one question, what other cross-platform partnerships can we expect to see in the new year?

Written by Darian Kovacs, host of the Marketing News Canada News Show and founder of Jelly Digital Marketing and PR.


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