What's Your Plan for Q5?


The people at Snap just released a report that points to "Q5" as one of the biggest marketing opportunities of the year. Now, anytime that a company whose job it is to sell ads says that there’s a big opportunity ahead, we’re naturally skeptical, but this one has some interesting data behind it.

They point out that every year brands all but shut down their efforts around December 17th because that’s the last day packages can be shipped in time for Christmas. That means prices for ads fall off a cliff, and competition for everything from newsfeed real estate to email inbox attention goes down with it.

At the same time, it appears that demand remains high, and is likely to continue well into January. From the report: “Q5 shows particularly high consumer intent around self-improvement, such as health, wellness, and fitness, finance, career and education, and hobbies.” They also point out that people are activating their new devices, and shifting attention away from gift-giving towards their own plans and needs.

The concept may be self-serving, but it does make a good point that there is an opportunity to pick up where the big brands leave off. Just because the delivery window is closed doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t keep building our brands, publishing content, and driving interest. The Q5 window, as they call it, may be one of the best opportunities for content marketers to earn attention where competition is lowest.

Read the whole piece here

Written by Conner Galway, Junction Consulting


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