Top Tips for SEO On Pinterest

Are you looking for ways to boost your Pinterest traffic? With these SEO tips for Pinterest, you'll be able to improve your profile, which will lead to more clicks and more traffic for your site. 

SEO for Pinterest 

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that's highly effective at drawing traffic to blogs and business sites. 

Pinterest is a fantastic place to find recipes, tutorials, outfit ideas, and more. There are all kinds of topics covered on Pinterest, which means it can bring traffic to sites in many niches. Pinterest has more than 442 million monthly active users, which means it has plenty of potential for businesses that are looking for ways to increase traffic to their site. 

If you're looking for options beyond Facebook, Amazon, and Google, Pinterest is the perfect solution for you. It's a distinctive platform that provides users with ideas, and inspiration. You can use Pinterest creatively and even craft a story. 

Although Pinterest is different from major search engines like Google, you'll still want to use many time-tested SEO techniques. As you read on, you'll learn more about some of the best SEO tips for Pinterest. You can use this advice to put together a plan that will help you get a lot out of the Pinterest platform. 

How Can You Optimize Your Pinterest Platform? 

If you want to boost the traffic you get from Pinterest, you'll need to optimize your profile for search engines.  One of the primary things that separates Pinterest from Google is the way that you identify and use keywords. 

There are also different factors used when ranking Pinterest pins. Google mainly looks at backlinks and code, but Pinterest is focused more on engagement. 

Thankfully, if you share great content on Pinterest, engagement should come naturally. With quality content and these 12 Pinterest SEO tips from, you'll be able to optimize your profile for search engines.

1. Start with the Essentials :

You'll need to take care of the basics before you dive into more complex Pinterest SEO strategies. You should complete the following steps before you begin adding pins to your interest board. 

  • Establish a Business Account: Your first step should be to create your own Business Account on Pinterest. If you have a personal Pinterest account already, you'll want to change your account to a business account. Once you do this, you'll have access to the Pinterest Ads Manager and Analytics. 

  • Keep SEO in Mind When You're Choosing Your Username: It's important to remember that your username will be visible in the URL for your Pinterest profile. This is a great place to include keywords. 

  • Make Sure Your Profile is Properly Optimized: Take the time to complete the "About You" section of your Pinterest profile. Upload your business logo or another high resolution image. That way, it'll be simple for people to find your Pins and save them to their own boards. It's also important to include keywords in this part of your profile. We'll expand on this topic later on. 

  • Build Your First Board: In order to start pinning, you'll need to have a Pinterest board.  When you're choosing a name for your board, you should think about the type of content you're going to be sharing. For example, you could create a board called "Stress Management" or a board with the topic "Medium Hairstyles." You may want to create multiple boards for different types of content. 

2. Integrate Pinterest with Your Website 

Like with other social media platforms, you can use site data to improve your Pinterest campaigns. You'll also be able to direct people to your Pinterest account via your website. It'll only take a couple of basic steps to connect these assets. You'll want to take care of this if you're serious about increasing traffic via Pinterest. 

  • Use the Pinterest Pixel Tag: If you're interested in creating a paid or organic campaign, the Pinterest pixel tag should be a part of it. This tag is similar to the pixel tag used by Facebook. With this JavaScript, you'll be able to: 

    • Create conversion events through your site. 

    • Get more reliable information about the performance of your profile. 

    • Make sure your audience is properly segmented. 

  • If you need more information, has a complete guide. With the help of your agency or Pinterest team, you'll be able to use the Pinterest pixel tag more effectively. 

  • Use the Save Button: The Save button is another way to boost the effectiveness of your campaigns. To add this button to your site, you'll just need to copy and paste a small piece of HTML code. After you have the button installed, it will be easy for visitors to your site to save your images to their Pinterest boards. 

    When you install the Save button, you'll have two different options. You can have the button automatically appear on all of your images, or you can have it show up after users hover over the upper left corner of your image. Select the option that's best for your site. 

    Chrome also offers a Pinterest extension that allows people to convert images on the sites they visit Pins. 

  • Take the Time to Verify Your Site: After completing a couple of basic steps, you'll be able to verify your site. This means your profile picture will be added to your Pins. This is another step that can be completed with just a couple of lines of HTML.

3. Work Towards Specific Goals 

Although Pinterest has longer lead times than other platforms, such as Facebook or Google, it's still a highly potent tool for lead generation. It's important to consider what you want to achieve through Pinterest and establish reasonable traffic and conversion goals for your site. 

Find ways to include Pinterest in your current marketing strategy. Learn more about your target audience and how they use Pinterest, or if they use it at all. Make sure that Pinterest is a good fit for your business. 

After you've considered your strategy, you can start using the Pinterest tag to create conversion points across your site. Pinterest offers an in-depth guide on conversion events that you can follow throughout this process. 

To start, you'll want to focus on specific metrics, such as traffic, re-Pins, and impressions. Once you've reached those goals, you can set conversion goals to work towards. 

Follow your analytics closely. See what's working and what isn't so that you can get a better sense of how you can utilize Pinterest. Work to earn the trust of Pinterest users and avoid messages that feel like advertisements when you're just starting out. It takes time to find success on Pinterest, but your efforts will be worthwhile. 

4. Research Keywords 

The keyword tools you usually use may not be effective for Pinterest SEO. With that said, it's still important to research keywords that you can use on Pinterest. 

Pinterest essentially functions as a search engine. It looks at what a user has been searching for and how those terms have been used by content creators. It takes that information and uses it to create a Pinterest feed. 

With these suggestions from, you'll be able to select the best keywords for your boards and Pins. 

  • Take Advantage of Guided Search 

  • Try Promoted Pins 

  • Find Keywords Within Your Niche 

5. Make Sure Boards are Properly Organized and Fully Optimized 

When you build boards on Pinterest, your keyword research and target audience should be at the forefront of your mind. Pinterest boards allow you to let people know how your content is categorized. This will make it easier for users to find and engage with your content. 

When users visit your profile, your boards will be front and center. You'll want to choose appealing featured images for your board. You should make sure that you choose titles for your boards that are clear and easy to understand. 

Of course, while cover images and keywords can improve engagement and boost SEO on Pinterest, low-quality content won't cut it. You'll need to share great pins if you want to find an audience.

6. Learn How to Create an Effective Pin 

It isn't necessarily easy to create a Pin that will appeal to the Pinterest audience. You'll need to pay close attention to platform trends. Look at the structure of popular Pins. Pay attention to the sizes of the images and the fonts used on the Pins. 

In addition to looking at trends, there are a few other rules you'll want to follow when creating Pins. These tips will improve your Pinterest SEO. 

  • Long Images Are a Safe Bet

  • Choose Colors That Stand Out 

  • Add Titles That Contain Keywords

7. Add Detailed Descriptions

Your titles matter on Pinterest, and so do your descriptions. The best SEO practice for Pinterest is to add in-depth descriptions that include your targeted keywords. That way, Pinterest will be able to find your Pins and display them to users that search for your targeted terms. 

With your description, you'll be able to offer users a glimpse of your content. Your description could motivate them to click through and visit your site. Let users know what your content has to offer. Give them a reason to take a closer look. 

Ideally, you should have a description that's approximately 100 characters long. Using hashtags in your description could help to boost your visibility. 

8. Use Tailwind to Schedule Your Pins 

Tailwind is the top scheduling app for Pinterest. Not only is it highly effective at boosting traffic on Pinterest, but it's also very affordable. Tailwind offers apps for both desktops and mobile devices. With Tailwind, you can ensure that your Pins are regularly re-Pinned to different boards. 

You can also share Pins from other users to improve your overall reach. Pinning manually can take a lot of time. With Tailwind, you can save hours or more. Beyond that, the Tailwind Create feature makes it easy for you to turn photos into customized Pins. This allows you to create and share Pins from one convenient place.

9. Focus on Engagement 

It's important to find ways to engage Pinterest users. When a Pin has high levels of engagement, that Pin and your profile will be more visible in searches. This will lead to more traffic and more conversions.

These suggestions from will help you with engagement and visibility. 

  • Connect Your Pinterest Account to the Rest of Your Social Media

  • Make sure your followers on other platforms are able to find you on Pinterest. 

  • Ask Pinterest Influencers to Collaborate With You 

  • If one of your Pins is re-Pinned by an influencer, a much wider audience will be able to see your content. 

  • Add Text Overlays to Images 

  • If you take a closer look at top Pinterest Pins, you'll see that Pins with text overlays are typically successful. 

  • Take Advantage of Tools Like Canva 

  • With Canva, you can create Pin templates and test out different options to see which designs deliver the most engagement. 

  • Pin Regularly 

  • Your reach will be wider if you use Pinterest on a regular basis. Ideally, you should be Pinning a minimum of 5 times each day. 

  • Follow Other Boards In Your Niche 

  • Following relevant boards is a simple way to widen your audience. It can also help you expand your current network. 

  • Utilize Pinterest Analytic 

  • Track the performance of your Pins closely so that you can adjust your Pinterest strategy. Analytics can help you perfect your designs, choose the best keywords, and bring in more traffic. 

10. Pin to Group Boards 

In addition to creating your own boards, you should make sure you Pin content to group boards. These boards allow multiple Pinterest users to share content to the same board. 

Different group boards have different rules. The goal of these boards is to broaden the reach of everyone that's sharing content to the board. After you've joined a group board, you can take advantage of scheduling tools such as Tailwind to re-Pin your Pins and Pins shared by other board users automatically. 

Following these steps could easily double your traffic. If you need help finding group boards to join, Tailwind has a detailed guide. This can be a fantastic resource if you haven't been able to find the right group boards.

11. Make Sure Pins Are Optimized for Visual Searches 

Pinterest utilizes cutting-edge Lens technology that allows it to quickly identify objects and suggest related Pins. It's at the top of the market when it comes to visual search. 

Pinterest is essential able to read images thanks to this technology. Because of that, it's important to consider your images in addition to your keywords. Look at the components of your image and think about the related content that image might bring up. 

You should always use high-quality images for Pins. Make sure you select images that are directly related to the product or content that you're linking to. Doing this will increase the odds of your Pin being displayed to users looking for "Related Items." 

12. Experiment with Pinterest Ads 

Not only can Pinterest be a fantastic way to boost organic traffic, but it's a wonderful place to advertise. If you scroll through a Pinterest feed, you'll see promoted Pins everywhere. It's clear that many Pinterest users are taking full advantage of Pinterest advertising. 

There are many ad formats offering by Pinterest. Some of the top options are:

  • Standard: Basic images. 

  • Video: Video content. 

  • Shopping: Pins that users can click on to make an instant purchase.

  • Carousel: Pins that allow users to scroll through several images.

  • Collections: A combination of photos and product images. 

Look at each format and find the right one for your site. For e-commerce sites, Standard and Shopping pins are a great option. YouTubers should focus on Video pins. You could even create demo videos for your products and promote them on Pinterest. 

As is the case with Google, Pinterest adjusts its algorithm from time to time. It's important to check your analytics, pay attention to trends, and use resources like so that you can build a Pinterest SEO strategy that will bring you long-term success

Written by Lindsay Shearer, Global Pinterest, SEO & Digital Marketing Expert, Speaker & Author


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