Should You Put Your Podcast on YouTube?

These days, tons of chart-topping podcasts are sharing their content on YouTube, and we’re really not surprised when the brands we work with want to follow suit.

A corporate podcast isn’t a small project (or a small investment) afterall, and you should absolutely make the most of it…

So why not connect with fans on every platform you can?

For the most part, we agree with this line of thinking, and there are lots of compelling reasons to build a YouTube-ready show. 

That said, there’s plenty of ground we should cover before you jump in.

Below, we answer the following questions…

  • Do listeners really choose YouTube for podcasts?

  • What are the perks of moving to YouTube?

  • And how does YouTube change your connection with fans?

Keep reading to find out.  


Do listeners really choose Youtube for podcasts?

The first thing to consider here is whether YouTube, the most popular platform for video, even makes sense for an audio-first show. 

Surely, most listeners will choose platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, which were actually designed for audio, right?


While podcasts may not be the first thing you think of when you picture that big red play button, the data reveals the truth.


Let’s look at the numbers…

  • In Canada, 27% of listeners are consuming podcasts on YouTube

  • In the US, YouTube is preferred by around a quarter of podcast fans

  • And 57% of US respondents say they prefer a podcast that includes video

Clearly, what we see here is a platform poised to dominate, and many industry experts believe podcasters should get on board. 

But there is one thing we need to keep in mind; this isn’t an either-or kind of thing.

Yes, YouTube is favored by around one in four podcast consumers, but platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts still pack a mean punch.

Ultimately, if you want to maximize your potential for connection and growth, you should leverage several of podcasting’s most popular platforms.

And, if it fits with your budget and bandwidth, it might be time to add YouTube to that list.


What are the perks of a Youtube podcast?

While the data above is a good enough reason to branch out, there are tons of other perks that come with a YouTube show. 


These include, but certainly aren’t limited to…

  • An increased digital footprint

  • Connecting with a younger audience

  • Attracting folks who “don’t listen to podcasts”

  • And the chance to stand out

Let’s break these down.


An increased digital presence

First off, when you share your content to YouTube, you increase your brand’s online presence and (as a result) your potential for long-term growth. 

Think about it. Billions of people visit this platform each month, and the data tells us it’s more than a here-and-there habit.

In fact, YouTube has the second highest traffic of all websites globally, and 60% of US survey respondents say they’re using the platform several times a day

Those are some wild numbers. 

To give you a point of reference, Edison Research reports that 28% of folks in the US are listening to podcasts (on any platform) at least once a week.

Yes, the podcast is experiencing explosive growth, and some of these people are tuning in for hours every day, but it doesn’t match the pull or presence of YouTube.


Bottom line? If you want to increase your share of voice — or the space you take up within your market — YouTube can help you get there. 


Reaching a younger audience

The evidence tells us that YouTube will be especially helpful if you’re targeting a younger demographic. 

Think Gen Z and Millennials, many of whom were raised on YouTube and would take their favorite content over the next big blockbuster any day.


Here's the data for young listeners in the U.S.

  • 95% of survey respondents aged 18 to 29 say they use the platform

  • For teens, that number sits around 85%

  • And almost a third of teens say YouTube is their most used platform overall

Ultimately, YouTube is popular with just about everyone these days, but if you’re creating content for teens and twenty-somethings, there’s a little extra incentive.


And it doesn’t stop there. A YouTube-ready podcast may also work wonders for brands that create content for children or families. 


Here's what U.S. parents say about their kids under 12...

  • 80% are watching YouTube

  • 35% tune in several times a day

  • And the top reasons for consumption include entertainment, education, and exposure to new cultures

So if you have a kid or family-focused brand, and a high-value series that informs or entertains, YouTube might be your next big platform.

Need we say Baby Shark?


Attracting folks who "don't listen to podcasts"

Today, 62% of US survey respondents (12 and up) have listened to at least one podcast episode. In Canada, we’re looking at 58% (18 and up). 

These are promising numbers when it comes to your corporate podcast for sure, but some of us are still missing out…

So how can you reach the folks who “don’t listen to podcasts?”


Well, if we look at the stats for YouTube in the States, we see that 81% of survey respondents over 17 have used the platform — nevermind the massive consumption among younger groups.

This could be your answer.

Whether you’re targeting a listener who doesn’t have the podcast-focused apps, doesn’t care for audio-only content, or thinks podcasts sound like a bore, YouTube can help you close the gap.


The chance to stand out

This is pretty straightforward, but podcasting is a seriously competitive space, and if you’re reading this post, you probably already know that.

If you introduce video effectively with the help of qualified creators, you should increase your chances of standing out.

This isn’t just about boosted accessibility, greater reach, or grabbing the folks who don’t identify as audio fans — which of course are all great perks — it’s about that extra something special.

No matter your niche, you will have direct competitors, and you should expect them to be doing really great work.

If you can create added value by introducing video, and it makes sense in terms of your budget and resources, you probably should.


How does Youtube change your connection with fans?

With a new platform comes new possibilities, and when you take your podcast to YouTube, it should change how you interact with fans.  

Here are a few examples…

  • YouTube allows for direct links (and might make your funnels more successful)

  • YouTube facilitates mid-episode engagement with a built-in comments section

  • And YouTube can change how your audience navigates between episodes thanks the sidebar and end cards

If you’re strategic in your approach, you should be able to use several of these differences to your advantage.

That said, some things stay more or less the same. 

For example, the data suggests that YouTube listeners still love to multitask, one of the many perks of audio-focused content. 

In fact, more than half of US survey respondents that say they prefer a podcast with video still minimize that video or leave it on “in the background” while they’re doing something else.

This should come as no surprise when we consider the fact that 71% of monthly spoken audio listeners (18 and up) say the ability to multitask is the number one reason they tune in.

At the end of the day, YouTube does have the potential to change your connection to fans, but we want to keep your expectations reasonable…

It more or less serves as an audio player for a lot of us. 


Are you ready for Youtube?

Having read this post, you may have decided to add video to your podcast repertoire, and while we think a podcast can stand on its own, it should be clear that we’re (often) all for that.

That said, there are several ways you could approach your YouTube podcast, and a lot of big choices you’ll need to make along the way. 

Next week, we explain your options, and what you need to do to succeed in the video world.

In the meantime, you might want to learn more about why we listen to podcasts.

Provided by Roger Nairn,


Marketing News Roundup: October 13, 2022


A Whole New Google