Question Everything To Generate A Higher Return On Purpose

We are living a once-in-a-generation collective experience. Global health crisis, social justice reckoning, economic tumult, political upheaval: universal struggles have brought us together just as much as they’ve held us apart. And through these shared human experiences, we’ve learned to develop a greater sense of empathy and commitment to better the world we live in. As we chart a new path forward, brands can no longer remain bystanders to evolving customer expectations and human needs; they must actively seek to align to new values and serve a greater purpose. 

It’s no secret that purpose-driven brands achieve higher returns on capital, attract top talent, respond to disruption through innovation, and generate greater shareholder return. Return on investment is important; but, return on purpose increasingly so. In fact, the Global Leadership Forecast finds companies that lean in to their “why” outperform the market on financial performance by as much as 42%. 

At EY, our purpose of Building a better working world acts as our North Star and grounds us as we navigate market changes and passionately work with our clients to solve some of the world’s toughest issues. For us, fulfilling our purpose starts by challenging the status quo and asking better questions. Questions that push boundaries, spark curiosity, drive change and unlock new value. 

Our new brand campaign, Question Everything, powerfully communicates our bold ambition and positions our purpose against the complexity businesses, customers, employees and communities face now. It fosters human connections to our firm belief that better questions lead to better answers which help to build a better working world. And in an environment that is ripe for disruption — in healthcare, social justice, sustainability and beyond — the campaign inspires viewers to question everything. Because questions drive progress and break through barriers to reframe the future toward equity, unity and opportunity. 

As CMOs, one of our roles is to curate and compound collected experiences and rich content that constitute our brand. Another is to create brands with purpose that transcend the test of time to deliver transformative results. Nothing has exposed the power of branding like this moment. And so, at a time when the market demands to understand what businesses stand for, we stepped up with the Question Everything campaign. At once both timeless and yet perfect for these times, the campaign centres around three key branding fundamentals: 

Be real. It’s not B2B or B2C, the present and future is B2H (business to human). Leveraging human stories through lived moments and honest narrative, we address critical societal topics head-on and rally audiences to join the movement, engaging them on deeper levels — in ways that are relatable, impactful and relevant. 

Be bold. In this time of change, we’re also rearchitecting how and where we show up. Airing on Superbowl Sunday earlier this year and emotionally connecting with individuals in their own homes has never been the traditional approach to branding a professional services firm. However, unexpected execution and creative delivery was part of the strategy to engage target audiences differently and enhance perceptions. 

Be you. The Question Everything campaign depicts the heart of our values and brings to life our purpose-led brand approach of asking #BetterQuestions, while refusing to shy away from hard realities and uncomfortable conversations. 

Maya Angelou famously said: people will forget what you say and do, but they’ll remember how you made them feel. The brand experience you define through every aspect of your marketing strategy holds that same lasting impact and unending potential. Add purpose embodied in core business values, and you’re well on your way to generating increased stakeholder value, long-term growth and return on purpose. The kind that outlasts economic cycles and creates ripples of change along the way — with benefits that compound over time. Question by question. Answer by answer.  

Written by Fatima Israel, Head of Brand, Marketing and Communications – EY Canada


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