PR Fresh Hits: July 28, 2021

Corona Canada is looking for their Officer of Natural Wonder

Corona Canada is putting its dedication to the preservation of the natural world to the forefront by launching a campaign to recruit its ‘Officer of Natural Wonder.’ Open to all Canadians, the campaign and the consequent ambassador will bring awareness and educate the nation on the importance of preserving nature. 

The Officer of Natural Wonder will travel across Canada on a two-month road trip, stopping at notable and hidden gem locations. The customized van will allow for as minimal environmental impact as possible and the Officer will also be given an expense allowance and a salary of $20,000. 

This campaign comes after concerns around environmental footprint resulting from Canadians increasingly exploring their backyard during the surge in 2020.  As part of their job, “the Officer of Natural Wonder will interact with the local communities they visit to help identify small, but significant improvements they can make, in an effort to protect the natural world and encourage others to do the same.”

To submit an application, visit 

Heinz helps local restaurants promote their patios

The restaurant industry is getting back on its feet after the lifting of dining restriction but many local joints are struggling to promote that they’re open again. To help, Heinz is stepping up to donate $100,000 in free digital advertising to help independent restaurants promote their patios this summer. 

100 restaurants across Canada will be chosen for the program and will receive $1,000 in free social ads.

"It's no secret restaurants have been hit hard by the lockdowns, struggling to keep their doors open. Now that summer is here and outdoor dining is open, they need to maximize sales during this period. That's where Heinz can help," said Lucy Abbruzzese, Director, Food Service Marketing, Kraft Heinz Canada. "As the iconic condiment with a place on every patio, we are thrilled to help boost some of our country's local favourites to help them maximize summer and own patio season."

More information can be found at

Vancity rallying British Columbians to fight wildfires

At this very moment, there are over 200 wildfires burning across British Columbia. To help those who are displaced, BC’s much-loved credit union Vancity launched a new campaign to match donations through their Vancity Humanitarian Fund.

Vancity is donating $25,000 to the Canadian Red Cross 2021 BC Fires Appeal and will match every dollar donated by members to the Vancity Humanitarian Fund between July 3 and August 3, up to $50,000.

The Governments of Canada and British Columbia will also match every dollar donated to the Vancity Humanitarian Fund between July 3 and August 3.

This means that every $1 donated by Vancity members will become up to $4.

As natural disasters continue to become more prevalent, the impact they have on the people, their homes and the plant is becoming increasingly critical. Brands should consider how they can become engaged on these events both locally and internationally.

Written by Crystal Kwon, principal at front+centre - a PR firm for challenger brands. If you want your work featured, email


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