Introducing the Twitter Canada Marketing account

Twitter will be celebrating 10 years in Canada next year, commemorating the opening of our Toronto office in 2013 and a decade’s worth of content and collaboration with top Canadian brand and agency partners. 

We are always looking for opportunities to showcase not only the latest brand and consumer features on Twitter but also, the best and brightest of Canadian partners. That’s why we’ve introduced a new Twitter account for these and other audiences. 

Our new Twitter Canada Marketing account (or @TwitterMktgCA in ‘Twitter speak’) will keep Canadians informed on the latest marketing, B2B and brand updates from Twitter. This could take the shape of new product features, case studies, speaking appearances, event news or interactive elements such as live audio conversations via Twitter Spaces. In the coming months, look for new content about the Toronto International Film Festival (#TIFF22), the 2022 FIFA World Cup and a ton of the other biggest cultural conversations that will keep Canadians talking on Twitter for the rest of 2022. 

Fresh Canadian insights will also be in the mix where you can learn about new reports such as our recent retail insights, detailing the shifting role Twitter plays within Canada’s retail landscape. 

We’ll also be highlighting the best content from our global Twitter Marketing account and providing context on how and why these updates will matter for Canadians to use our service everyday. 

We’ll keep things informative but also fun, making the account a great follow for anyone who works in or keeps tabs on our industry. @TwitterMktgCA will provide content for everyone but as a follow on Twitter, it will be of particular interest if you’re one of the following: 

  • Marketing & agency professionals in Canada

  • Canada’s creative community

  • Media & tech Influencers

  • Content creators 

  • Business & marketing students

Ultimately, our goal with this new account is to cement Twitter’s role as a Launch, Connect, and Buy leader in the Canadian media landscape. The digital ecosystem in Canada has never been noisier so give @TwitterMktgCA a follow to receive a curated snapshot of what’s now and what’s next for Twitter in our country.  

by Jennifer Bairos Hofer, Head of Marketing, Twitter Canada


Marketing News Roundup: July 29, 2022


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