How Video Marketing is Changing Canadian Social Accounts

Video marketing has taken over the Canadian marketing industry, with video posts creating significantly more reshares, views, and engagement across all channels. From viral TikToks (which has the highest engagement rate per post) to the rapidly growing YouTube Shorts, video content has become the most popular form of social media on the market.

As a brand, embracing the rise of video marketing is no longer optional. Research shows that more than 80% of consumers report video content as an essential step in the purchase decision (source). Companies must be actively preparing and publishing video content if they wish to compete with other businesses in the market. 

Marketing News Canada recently had the opportunity to sit down with Sébastien Bardoz, the Vice President of Sales and Operations, North America, of Wedia. Wedia is an international leader in SaaS software and consulting, dedicated to marketing and communication departments. As the company continues to grow in the Canadian Market, Sébastien shared his insights into the impact of video marketing. 

Canadians are seeing a greater demand for video content. Do you expect this growth trajectory to continue? 

As many marketing professionals have seen, short videos are taking over social networks (TikTok, Youtube, Insta….) and leading to a tremendous increase in the creation of videos from brands. As this demand grows, video is a must for businesses if they want to bring a better customer experience with their brand and products. There are predictions that Tiktok will reach 755.0 million monthly users in 2022, after seeing 59.8% growth in 2020, followed by 40.8% growth in 2021 (source). Types of videos we are seeing produced by brands include: 

  • Situational

  • How-tos

  • Lifestyle

  • Ambassador

What does video content communicate that other forms of content do not?

Video has the ability to convey information in a way that can not be replicated by text or still images. 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it (Source). Using video, we can not only display emotion but also create a more engaged audience and capture the attention of the consumer. Video also offers the ability to create community, as we see with trending TikTok dances, and provide greater opportunities to go viral.

In terms of the content, video is typically more interactive. You can expect an individual to learn more from a detailed how-to video than they can from a document. We see a lot of this in the popularity of how-to videos on YouTube. We are also seeing an increase in B2C companies partnering with brand ambassadors to produce educational content.

How can brands with fewer resources improve video content across social channels?

Brands with fewer resources can look at strategic partnerships and collaborations to produce video content. Influencer marketing is a great way to produce UGC (User Generated Content) that is high-quality. In short, you no longer have only widely known brand ambassadors (like Nike and Tiger Woods), but a myriad of small to medium “size” influencers spread over various social platforms. This helps amplify the brand, its contents and videos amongst an engaged audience.

There are also a variety of tools and online resources that brands can implement. As the VP of a DAM Software company, I might be biased. That being said, DAM (Digital Asset Managementsolutions offer the ability to create, store, and deliver digital content such as video. 

How are DAM solutions improving video content efforts in 2022?

As mentioned in the last question, DAM solutions are a great way for brands to manage and deliver video content. DAM companies provide video transformation, personalization, and diffusion to clients’ owned channels (CMS, eCommerce, social networks etc…), ensuring a quality user experience at every touchpoint. Digital Asset Management also enables companies to read and understand analytics, which will help streamline the video production process and improve customer engagement over time. This tech helps to manage video content in one location, but can also generate sub-clips to create snackable content that can be dispersed across various platforms. 

Video marketing is here to stay. How Canadian businesses integrate and navigate the inclusion of video content will vary from brand to brand, but we will all see a growth in video content in the following years to come. Brands need to not only plan their content, but the best solution for managing, storing, and maintaining consistent video assets.

Learn more about Sébastien Bardoz and the ROI of video marketing. 

Written by Emma Whiten, Editor of Marketing News Canada, in conversation with Sébastien Bardoz, the Vice President of Sales and Operations, North America, of Wedia.


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