Effie Awards 2022 Announces Grand Prix, Agency & Marketer of the Year

As part of the ICA’s Canadian Creative Effectiveness Summit 2022 GUT Agency and Tim Hortons  picked up this year’s Effie Canada Grand Prix for Timbiebs with global music star Justin Bieber. A  live audience of agencies and marketers gathered at LinkedIn HQ in Toronto and LinkedIn LIVE to  unwrap getting to great marketing effectiveness.  

Effie co-chair and partner and Chief Strategy Officer of The Hive, Dustin Rideout, opened  conversation as he interviewed The Globe and Mail’s Senior Business Writer and Columnist, Rita  Trichur. The pair looked to answer What Can We Expect from the Canadian Economy in 2023?  This was followed by Effectiveness guru, Peter Field’s presentation on Effectiveness in A Downturn,  pulling on research from around the world including data from Effie Awards Canada case studies.  Effie co-chair and Enablement Leader of Shopify, Ali Leung then hosted a panel with IKEA CFO,  Geoffrey Macdonald and Tim Hortons CFO, Hope Bagozzi as they discussed those much-needed  conversations around marketing investment. The event was rounded off by ICA President & CEO,  Scott Knox, presenting Tim Hortons with Marketer of the Year, Rethink with Agency of the Year,  and the Grand Prix announcement. 

Now in its 4th Year, Effie Canada was judged by over 150 marketers from across Canada. 

“The introduction of Effie in Canada has put Canadian work that works on the global stage,” said  Scott Knox, “Just a few weeks ago the top 100 most effective agencies in North America were  announced, Canada holds 26 of those places. We are a diverse nation that delivers for brands and  are we open for business. Congratulations GUT, Rethink and Tim Hortons.” 

Read more about the 2022 Awards: HERE

About the Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA): The ICA exists to positively shape the business environment within which agencies can THRIVE. Founded in 1905, the ICA is the not-for-profit association for Canadian advertising, marketing, media,  and public relations agencies. Our mission is to Amplify, Protect and Transform the agency sector  through advocacy, awards, community, consultancy, insight, networking, research, and training.  Our membership and board of directors represent some of the most recognized and influential  businesses in our industry, both in Canada and internationally. 


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