Challenge to Clients and the Advertising Industry: Embrace Risk, Ignite Creativity!

Written By: Frank Palmer, Chairman of PS&Co.

Success and innovation begin with a bold leap into the unknown. Yet, in the advertising and marketing world, very few clients and their ad agencies are truly ready to take that leap.

It’s time to break free from the mundane and predictable. Agencies need to challenge themselves to find clients who are not just open to risk but are eager to redefine the status quo. Clients need to find agencies that challenge their clients to be bold.

So, who’s ready to stand out?

Think about it: when was the last time you encountered some advertising that made you say, "Wow"?

Identify the Automaker, Department Store, Telco, Fashion Brand, Alcohol, or any standout company that has dared to be different. As Warren Buffett wisely said, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." Clients aren’t receiving the value they deserve because they’re settling for bland, uninspired advertising from their agencies. When was the last time an agency presented their best and only idea, rather than a set of mediocre safe options?

Many creatives and clients want to push boundaries, but fear of failure often holds them back. When did you last see an agency bring their absolute best idea to the table? What if your business is on the line, or your job is at stake?

Perhaps it should be if you're unwilling to challenge the status quo. It takes real courage to leap beyond the conventional, especially when facing skepticism from peers, supervisors, and shareholders.

So, how do clients channel creativity and pursue bold ideas?

  1. Get Out of the Boardroom:
    CEOs, step out of the boardroom and dive into identifying your business problems, opportunities, and unique perspectives. This is where groundbreaking solutions can begin.

  2. Evaluate the Risks:
    Consider, "What risks am I willing to take to have my company stand out?" Innovation requires taking risks. Reflect on how calculated risks can propel your company forward, despite the potential for failure.

  3. Build a Support Network:
    Ask yourself, "Who can support and inspire my dreams?" Surround yourself with mentors, colleagues, and professionals who uplift you and offer valuable insights. Seek advice from those who have taken risks and learned from both their successes and failures.

The world needs fresh, brave perspectives and inventive solutions now more than ever. unique vision has the power to reshape your business landscape.

So, clients and agencies, rise to the challenge. Embrace risk, ignite creativity, and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.


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