Can a branded podcast succeed in the marketing niche?

One thing is for sure; if you want to market to marketers, you better have something special up your sleeve.

Sure, we’re all hit with ads and promos around the clock — at the bus stop, on social media, and in our favorite magazines…

So it’s safe to say that most of us are pretty difficult to reach, if not entirely immune to conventional advertising.  

But marketers? They’re a special breed.

Assuming you’re in marketing, or a marketing-adjacent role yourself (which is likely the case if you’re reading this thing), you probably know exactly what we mean.

Folks with a marketer’s mindset understand branding, engaging visuals, and sales psychology. Marketing vets, on the other hand, know just about every trick in the book.

All of this to say, if you want to attract and retain the attention of marketers, you better be ready to do something fresh, value-packed, and seriously engaging.

For this and other reasons, now might be the perfect moment for a new branded podcast in the marketing niche…

Especially when we consider that there are only nine branded shows on the Marketing Top 100 List. Pretty shocking for a 475-billion-dollar industry!

This seems like a lost opportunity given the potential of the podcast, and the extraordinary results that branded podcasts have created in other spaces.

This is a medium that’s been adopted by companies like RBC, Traction on Demand, and even American Express

So why aren’t we seeing more chart-topping shows in — of all places — the marketing niche?

Clearly, this is a massive opportunity for teams that are ready to shake things up, step into their power, and show they’re ahead of the game in their industry.

To consider what your team could do in this space, let’s check out some early adopters of the branded marketing podcast, and see what it takes to perform in this niche.

Top branded podcasts in the marketing niche

 It stands to reason that, given the nature of their business, some marketing brands are rocking the podcast game already.

(And we’d expect nothing less, to be honest.)

Clearly, these teams recognize the potential of the podcast, and that it can capture minds, build relationships, and create community.

To get a better sense of what it takes for a branded show to perform in the marketing niche, let’s take a look at what these forward-thinking teams are actually creating. 

#3: Marketing Made Simple by StoryBrand 

Marketing Made Simple shares practical tips for marketers ready to thrive in their space. It covers topics ranging from effective social marketing to attracting no-cost leads. 

The company behind it is StoryBrand, a business offering certifications, workshops, and training for marketers looking to increase profit and up their professional game.

As we write, Marketing Made Simple features 50 episodes and a killer 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

#6: Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing

This playfully named marketing series aims to help listeners “flood with new followers, bake up new ideas, and make that all-important dough.”

It was created by Sugar Cookie Marketing, a brand offering paid templates, resources, and online courses for marketers of all kinds.

As we write, Baking it Down features 61 episodes and has secured sixth place and a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts. 

#11: The Futur with Chris Do

While this series was created for designers in particular, it contains tips, tricks, and interviews useful to freelancers and marketers of all kinds.

The founding brand — also called The Futur — is a company specializing in free and paid educational materials in the space of business and design. 

It was founded by Chris Do, who is also a massive online presence and the CEO of Santa Monica design consultancy Blind.

As we write, The Futur with Chris Do features 191 episodes and a listener rating of 4.9 stars on Apple Podcasts.

#24: Marketing Against The Grain by Hubspot

Hosted by HubSpot’s CMO and SVP of Marketing Kipp Bodnar and Kieran Flanagan, this show takes a deep and “unfiltered” dive into all things marketing.

And in case you’ve missed them somehow, the brand behind this show is one of the biggest names in CRM software today. 

As we write, Marketing Against the Grain features only 9 episodes — but has secured 24th place and a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

#34: Dirt Talk by BuildWitt

This series explores experiences, stories, and interviews curated for folks who work and run businesses within the heavy construction and mining industries. 

The founding brand, BuildWitt is a media and consulting company that works with businesses in the same space.

As we write, Dirt Talk features 179 episodes and a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

#46: Stacking Growth by Refine Labs

Previously called The Marketing Movement, this branded show explores B2B marketing and brand building with the help of Refine Labs staff members and expert guests.

With episodes that run anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, it covers topics including copywriting, imposter syndrome, TikTok, and social media advertising. 

The parent brand, Refine Labs is a company that aims to revolutionize strategy, execution, and research for brands in the B2B space. 

As we write, Stacking Growth features 44 episodes and a listener rating of 4.8 stars on Apple Podcasts.

#59: Membership Geeks with Mike & Callie

With advice, tips, and interviews with expert guests, this series aims to empower listeners to plan, launch, and grow a successful membership website.

Also called Membership Geeks, the founding brand offers free resources for anyone running a membership service, as well as a pay-to-join “Membership Academy.” 

As we write, Membership Geeks features 355 episodes, while maintaining a stellar 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

#60: State of Demand Gen by Refine Labs

This series shares “innovative strategy, advice and tangible tactics” that industry-leading marketers are actually using today.

Also debuted by Refine Labs, it includes both formal interviews and casual “fireside chats” with experts in the B2B tech space.

As we write, State of Demand Gen features 280 episodes and (yet another) 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

#98: Niche Website Builders Show

This podcast was designed for listeners that want to build a popular, profitable website in any given space. 

It covers topics ranging from SEO, to online course sales, to how to build and maintain a six-figure business.

The founding brand, also called Niche Website Builders, aims to offer comprehensive and quality services for folks looking to market and grow a content publishing site.

As we write, the Niche Website Builders Show features 16 episodes and a listener rating of 4.3 stars on Apple Podcasts.

Marketing's most popular shows overall

 Seeing how the branded shows in this space perform, you might already be inspired to create one of your own.

Obviously, we’re behind that idea — and there’s no better way to strut your marketing prowess than to shake things up at your own company!

That said, before entering this space, you should definitely have an idea of what the ultimate chart toppers are doing.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at the top performers overall in the marketing podcast niche.

#1: Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

This top-rated series features expert advice and actionable steps, all designed to get listeners the professional results they want “with a whole lot less stress.”

Host Amy Porterfield is a marketing expert — with around 20 years of experience in her field — that helps entrepreneurs build online businesses.

As we write, Online Marketing Made Easy features 484 episodes and a listener rating of 4.8 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#2: The Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher

This show is a business and marketing podcast that takes a “live-workshop” approach to helping its listeners “redefine success and chase bolder dreams.”

It covers topics including (but certainly not limited to) burnout, time management, and the dos and don’ts of effective Instagram marketing.

As we write, The Goal Digger Podcast features 586 episodes and a listener rating of 4.8 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#3: Marketing Made Simple by StoryBrand

We won’t bore you by breaking this show down again — but we would like to call your attention to the fact that it isn’t just a great branded podcast, it’s outperforming most of the shows in its niche.

This is what can be done with a solid concept and professionally produced series.

#4: Social Media Marketing Podcast from Social Media Examiner

Currently in fourth place is a wildly popular podcast that has been publishing weekly for nearly a decade.

This show is hosted by Michael Stelzner, the founder of Social Media Examiner, and features tools and tips listeners can use to boost their brand’s marketing.

As we write, the Social Media Marketing Podcast features a whopping 517 episodes and a listener rating of 4.7 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#5: Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss

Next up is a show that mixes heart and practicality in an essential audio guide for the “modern day network marketer and social seller.”

Guided by host and marketing expert Kristen Boss, this series covers topics including cold outreach, time management, and the emotions tied to money making. 

As we write, Purposeful Social Selling features 117 episodes and a listener rating of 4.8 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#6: Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing

Again, we won’t bore you by reiterating, but we would like to call attention to the fact that Sugar Cookie Marketing prioritizes quality content marketing — and it clearly works for this company

#7: Build Your Tribe with Chalene Johnson

In this series, Chalene and Brock Johnson guide listeners through growing their profit, whether that’s with an existing online business or a new side hustle.

It covers topics including sales emails, effective networking, and everything to do with social media marketing — from hashtags to TikTok. 

As we write, Build Your Tribe features an ambitious 580 episodes and a listener rating of 4.8 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#8: Marketing School with Eric Siu & Neil Patel

This series aims to deliver “actionable digital marketing lessons” that hosts Eric Siu and Neil Patel have learned through years of experience in their field. 

It dives deep into the marketing niche, covering topics related to content marketing, social media, email marketing, and SEO. 

As we write, Marketing School features a staggering 1999 episodes and a listener rating of 4.7 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

#9: The Social Mom with Emily Wheaton and Jimena Gonzalez

This brand-new series explores the experiences of the ever popular “momfluencer,” guided by hosts Emily Wheaton and Jimena Gonzalez.

As we write, The Social Mom features only 1 full episode but sits in ninth place overall on Apple Podcasts. 

#10: The Heart & Hustle Podcast with Evie Rupp & Lindsey Roman

The Heart & Hustle Podcast is positioned as a show for “entrepreneurs, dreamers, and doers who want to make the most out of their life.”

Covering topics that span the categories of business, marketing, and lifestyle, it features episodes focused on everything from selling online courses to flipping houses.  

As we write, The Heart & Hustle Podcast features 243 episodes and a listener rating of 4.7 stars on Apple Podcasts. 

Written by Roger Nairn, To learn more about podcast promotion and community development, check out our Ultimate Guide to Audience Growth.


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