CAA Launches New Safety Campaign

You don’t have to like each other to keep safe, says the new CAA campaign.

Today, June 30th, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) is launching a national campaign to encourage drivers and cyclists to better share the road.

Due to the pandemic, there are more bikes on the road than ever before. According to Stats Canada, collisions with a motor vehicle make up 73% of fatal cycling events—and in many cases, leaving enough space can significantly reduce that risk. But bad road habits persist, pitting drivers and cyclists against each other.

“Drivers and cyclists are often seen at odds, but the truth is, we’re all at our best when we’re following the rules of the road,” says Ian Jack, Vice President, Public Affairs at CAA. “With this campaign, we wanted to improve road safety in a way that felt authentic. Cyclists and drivers sometimes get cranky with each other. That’s OK. We don’t need a kumbaya moment – but we do want both to care enough to keep each other safe.

“The campaign found a new way to shed light on what is sometimes a tenuous roadside relationship,” adds Rob Sweetman, Founder and Creative Director at CAA’s partner agency, One Twenty Three West. “We wanted to clearly communicate that safer driving doesn’t require this huge shift in opinions or behaviour—really it’s just being a bit more mindful, making sure you’re leaving space. And it’s something everyone needs to look out for, drivers and cyclists alike.”

Shot in both English and French, the Road to Recovery campaign launches across the country on Connected TV, online and social platforms. Find it here.


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