Are you using audio in your blog posts?

One of the challenges of marketing is creating valuable and engaging content that leads directly to customer growth. This challenge results in marketers experimenting with content types to see what resonates most with their consumer base.

A strategy that is often overlooked is combining content mediums to double the effectiveness of each channel. One of these strategies is audio blogging and that’s when written content is complemented and optimized with audio.

In this post, we’ll explore why you should start audio blogging, advantages of adding a voice to written content and audio blogging in action. We’ll also look at why a strategy is integral before creating content, and why you should work with a podcast production company to produce audio blogs.

Why you should start audio blogging

Audio blogging can be repurposed and delivered as a podcast, which is an increasingly popular content medium amongst consumers. According to Podcast Insights, 50% of all US homes are podcast fans and 40% of listening is done at home. Podcast listeners are also more likely to follow brands on social media. 

What does this mean for your team? It means the audio market is booming and it’s time brands deliver content through audio. 

Podcast production can take a lot of time, effort, and commitment so when you’re not ready to commit, audio blogging is a great alternative. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits.

 One of the most important benefits of audio blogging is it can make your content more accessible. When the right audio or podcast player is used, content becomes more accessible for individuals with visual disabilities and those who prefer consuming information aurally.  

 Audio blogging has multiple benefits for both B2B and B2C business and service-based brands. Let’s take a look at the key advantages of adding audio to written content. 


Audio blogging increases engagement

The easiest way to boost engagement for blog posts? Add audio! The Washington Post observed steady adoption and use of their audio content after incorporating them into their articles. The Economist has also seen a boost in engagement with the introduction of audio articles. This is confirmed by deputy editor Tom Standage who states that “the audio edition is a very effective retention tool.”

 The effectiveness of audio is clear and is evidenced by JAR Audio’s own podcasts, which see upwards of a 95% listen-through rate. 


Audio blogging is portable

Another advantage of audio blogging is that it’s portable and great for multitaskers. In a world where remote work is growing in popularity, marketing teams must take into account the changing behaviour and habits of their audience. With an audio blog, web visitors can consume your content while doing the dishes, driving, or taking a walk which makes it incredibly convenient for prospects.


Audio blogging can be used for internal communications 

Audio blogging is also an excellent medium for internal communications. An internal podcast is a great way to promote a unified message to employees, enable staff to listen to company updates according to their schedule, and provide optimal security for sensitive and confidential staff information.

An internal audio blog combines the best of written content and audio material so employees can choose which medium to engage with. It can also be used in multiple areas of employee relations including onboarding, culture building, and employee attraction.

JAR Audio: Audio blogging in action

As mentioned earlier, The Economist and The Washington Post are some of the many publishing companies that include audio with their written articles. News aggregate platforms Apple News and Google’s Your News Update integrated voice within their news offerings in 2020 and 2019, respectively.

These tech giants prioritize audio within their content, and it’s time for brands and companies to follow their lead. When transforming written material into audio, it’s not enough to read word-for-word. Incorporating audio must be strategic and use features intrinsic to audio.

Let’s take a look at JAR Audio’s blog post on this topic and how we optimized the audio version for a listening audience in three ways:

  1. Content begins with ambient introductory music that immediately engages listeners and entices them to continue listening.

  2. Brand name and markers are communicated to establish brand identity.

  3. Copy is updated in some areas for a unique audio experience. Hyperlinks are referenced and listeners are guided to refer to podcast show notes for more information.

In a nutshell, the audio embodies the qualities of effective audio. It’s a high-quality, engaging and well-packaged clip that resembles a professionally produced studio podcast, all under ten minutes. In this example, the narrator’s voice is expressive which creates intimacy and leads to brand trust.

Brands don’t have to limit themselves to one voice when audio blogging. From The CEO to the Marketing Director, anyone in the company can lend their voice. Multiple voices can contribute to the audio blog in order to attract audience interest and allow for flexibility.

Why you need an audio blogging plan and process before you execute

Now that we’ve discussed the advantages of audio blogging and seen audio blogging in action, let’s explore how brands can successfully add audio to their content strategy.

Producing audio blogs takes time, commitment, and investment so it’s critical to have a strategy before jumping in. An audio blogging strategy includes a personalized plan for incorporating audio into blog posts. It also addresses business needs, blog vs. audio structure, content style, and the best way to reach your audience through voice.

What’s your brand’s signature voice and tone? How do you maintain brand identity? How do you ensure consistency across all content? Those are questions an audio blogging plan addresses, establishes and defines for your brand. An audio blogging strategy also provides an editorial roadmap for planning future content so your team remains organized.  

Why you should hire a podcast production company to develop an audio blog

From beginning to end, audio blogging involves scriptwriting, picking a narrator or host, recording, choosing the right audio software, editing content, publishing and promoting. 

Brands can hire staff for these different tasks but similar to producing and creating a podcast, costs skyrocket when you hire an audio engineer, creative strategist, editor and other creative employees. 

In order to cut costs and still maintain quality, brands should look into hiring audio production companies. Production studios, like JAR Audio, are comprised of experts and industry veterans who are experienced with producing engaging podcasts and can transfer those skills to audio blogging. 

Written by Roger Nairn,


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